Art input London

Spending a few days with art in London (the Rosetta Stone / Leonardo Drew / Caravaggio)

Studio time

Had a few days in my studio in Jämtland. This is a work in progress. Or, maybe a ritual.

Carin Ellberg installation

Carin Ellberg installs her piece at Banslättskolan these days. MORE

Inauguration Maria Miesenberger

Maria Miesenbergers "Forced to a Change" was inaugurated today at Tingstorget. Thank you Maria! MORE

Laleh Kazemi Veisari to Botkyrka

Laleh Kazemi Veisari accepted a commission for a school in Tullinge. Congratulations Botkyrka :-)

EKTA 's Tornet i skogen

Daniel Götesson, aka EKTA, got a green light for his suggestion for the pre school Ametisten today.

Photo Brogård

A photo taken of Brogård this winter, turned up-side-down. MORE

Seminar on availibility published

The Professor Apa seimnar on availability in the culture world is now published. I will be one of the speakers. LINK

Art input

Checking out galleries today. Michael Johansson and Reyhana Samaneh for instance. And Samaneh is working on a piece in Botkyrka as well, where I am the consultant.

Studiotime Brogård

A week at Brogård, taking care of spring changes.

Uttran visit

The first visit to Uttran LSS-living in Botkyrka. Art installation during 2024.

Study about the art scene in Jämtland published

The Professor Apa project in Jämtland, where I conducted an investigation regarding the art scene, has resulted in internal and public influences during 2023. Now, 2024, several articles has been published online and in paper. MORE


Samaneh in Botkyrka

Visiting Eleonoraskolan with Samaneh Reyhani.

Fredrik Nielsen to Botkyrka

Visiting Eleonoraskolan with Fredrik Nielsen.

Fakulteten at Dieselverkstaden

My project Fakulteten run a number of open workshops at Dieselverkstaden during February. Led by Nadja Ekman.

More artists to Botkyrka!!

So much more art to Botkyrka!

Congratulations Botkyrka!!!!

Fredrik Nielsen to Botkyrka

Congratulations Botkyrka – artist Fredrik Nielsen will create a lot of public art this coming year.

Studio time in Barcelona

A full week of art input and studio time in Barcelona with my love.

Projects starting up

2024 gets started with our different set of works:
Fakulteten initiates its finishing period after four years.
Botkyrka is accelirating with so many new public art projects.
Professor Apa start up its next project and will expand its board.
I will start of January with studio time in Barcelona.
And so much more :-)

Lets get to it.


Welcome to 2024 everybody!

Arranging workshops at Jamtli

Arranging two workshops at Jamtli today, with my project Fakulteten.

Workshop inauguration

Fakultetens workshop-serie in Nacka resulted in a great sculpture. Brilliant inauguration by Zirkus Loko-motiv.

Workshops with Fakulteten

We continue to arrange workshops with the participants in Fakulteten. A lot of art produced in so many places.

Ensta seniorboende

First visit to a new senior living in Ensta, Botkyrka. Wirth a fair budget, we identified some areas where art could be installed. Inauguration 2024.

"I ravinen" for the Palestinian people

This piece was sold to support the Palestinian people. The piece HERE

Minnen med mamma


Professor Apa stays warm

Professor Apa works on its engagements, and manages to keep warm this autumn.

Maria Miesenberger installation

Maria Miesenberger installed her piece "Forced to a Change" today. See more HERE

Anders Suneson to Botkyrka

The artist Anders Suneson will create a new public piece for Ensta pre school.
Congratulations Botkyrka.

Carin Ellberg presenting new art

Carin Ellberg (to the right) present a new art piece for Banslättskolan in Botkyrka. I assist (to the left) as principals and students watch. Installation spring 2024.

Autumn workshops

Arranged open workshops at Knivsta culture house today, as a part of Fakultetens workshops this autumn. Wa work at culture houses, museums and day cares, these last months of the project.

Fakulteten kick off

We had a kick off for our last six months of Fakulteten today. It's time to go to work.

Studio time Brogård

Had a few days in my studio at Brogård, and also managed to see Erik Tylhammar Johanssons exhibition.

Professor Apa starts the fall

The board of Professor Apa meet for dinner today, to start up the work this fall.

Botkyrka start the fall

Start meetings for all the different projects on public art in Botkyrka today.
Exciting stuff is coming up.

Fakulteten starts its final six months

Today we begun our last six months of the project Fakulteten. An interesting half year begins.

Layout meeting

Met with Fredrik Andersson who will design the catalogue for Fakulteten this winter. It's always great to see him. Thank you Fredrik, in advance.

Culture input in Gothenburg

Spending several days in Gothenburg. Visiting art institutions, watching artists, talking with producers and artists.
Thank you for this Christmas present, love.
(Image: Klara källström & Thobias Fäldt; Omalay; Lennart Navarrete)

Studio time in Jämtland

Even more days at Brogård, spending it all in my studio.

Pappas liv och död

Making a number of drawings from my fathers diary. MORE

Six photographs from Brogård

Worked with these six photographs – each by its own – for a long time now, not knowing exactly where they would end up. It turned out they were ment to stick together. MORE

Self portrait

Spending a lot of time thinking about Brogård. MORE

Summer break for Fakulteten

Fakulteten meet for strawberries and cake as we take a summer break. See you in August.

Fakulteten workshop

Arranging three workshop days for Fakulteten, together with Zirkus Loko-motiv. A lot of children build the traditional herring-and-potatoes for the midsummer. LINK

Working from Jämtland

Working from Jämtland a few days. Zoom meetings, painting house, arranging event in Stockholm, evaluation-meeting, studio time, test in water AND quiet dinners by the water.

BLUE - a new piece

I just finished a new piece, Blue – To Resurrect, First One Need To Die. MORE

Professor Apa planning

Met with Hélene Burmeister today, drawing up plans for different projects in Professor Apa. For instance, we are closing in on our last half year of Fakulteten, and we have a lot of things to do. We will need this summer to rest ;-)

Discussing Mothers care with Berit

Berit Henriksson from Rönngården visited Brogård today. Together with Macarena we talked about jam and gardening, regarding to the project Mothers care.

Fakulteten reportage

Participants of Fakulteten visited Moderna museet today, for our next reportage.
You can read our earlier material HERE

Building START in jämtland

Used a week for building the START exhibition in Jämtland. 48 artists, almost 250 art pieces in 900 square feet… Omg. But it turned out fine. Welcome next Saturday. MORE

New projects for Botkyrka

Meetings today regarding Uttran, Anemonen, Posthagen and Ametisten – four new places that will receive new art. We are so intrigued finding out what will this will result in!

Test filming

I made a filming in the Atacama desert, as part of my project Om stjärnorna slocknar. I continue to search for a good location in Jämtland, this time in the deep cellars of Brogård.

Annual meeting Professor Apa

Thank you for years as head of the chair, Hélene Burmeister. Welcome to that chair Lars Annersten.

Tufting course in Fakulteten

I organized a course in tufting for my project Fakulteten. I'm really excited and hope to work more with instructor Oscar Wall.

Studio Brogård

Studio time with my children at Brogård. We reorganize the studio, test different techniques and I prepare my piece Mothers care for installation.

Fakulteten completes another segment

My project Fakulteten just finished a new project, where we have focused on large scales and simple forms. All these trolls are a gift to an orientations club in Jämtland who will arrange "troll-tracks" for small children this summer. LINK

Exhibition "START" - curatorial planning

Exercishallen in Östersund has 900 square meters. In April, 48 artist will show about 250 art pieces here. And I have accepted the job to make it a good exhibition. This will really be exciting, good luck to all of us!

Studio time Brogård

Another week in my studio in Jämtland. Managed to both repaint the studio and work with smaller brushes. This is "A home as a Castle". MORE (Large image)

Fakulteten continues a fourth year

Today we received Arvsfondens decision that my project Fakulteten is extended by a fourth year.

New curator assignment

Härke and Östersunds kollektiva grafikverkstad invited me to curate their exhibition this spring, at Exercishallen in Östersund. We have our first meeting together next week.

Studio time Jämtland

Working in Jämtland this week, with a great meeting at Gaaltije, some zoom meetings with Fakulteten and Botkyrka, and time in my studio. I'll be back in a week.

New Years Celebration

Happy New Year Everybody!
Lets do things together 2023

Fakulteten workshop

Fakulteten arranged open workshops for children these days. A lot of children created new year celebration -flags during these days :-) LINK

Mounting art from Chile

Using these days to frame and mount paintings and drawings that I worked on in Chile.

Inauguration Eva Hild

Eva holds piece "Super 8" is inaugurated at Falkbergskolan in Botkyrka today. Congratulations to all the students! MORE

Work period in Chile

In San Pedro, I was introduced to the Simons Observatory at 5000 m hight, next to the holy mountain Toco (thank you Paloma Farias Gutierrez)
In Atacama I worked with night documentations and stagings, resulting in video, text and paintings (thank you Macarena Dusant)
And obviously there were a number of exhibitions, museums and artist talks along the way (thank you Galería Metropolitana)

The ongoing project "Om stjärnorna slocknar" will be presented shortly. MORE

I'm off for research and work in Chile


Sápmi position

I have a complicated relation to my late grandmom, who was sápmi. And my late father was not a great endorser of sápmi culture. And I am just starting to understand it all, with two children who obviously have no real connection to Sápmi. So what happens if we should all meet? In Sápmi? Would we fit with our background or even with each other? Lets find out.

Work in Uppsala

Spending the day in Uppsala. The first hours I worked on the economy for the upcoming year for Fakulteten, then I visited the art museum before I finally met my dear friend Lotte Sederholm, whom I worked with both with TA PLATS! and at the board for KC Öst. Great day.

Lecture on astronomy and collonisation

Visiting "The Past, Present and Future of Space Accumulation" -lecture, regarding astronomy and indigenous people.

Reading up on Sápmi astronomy

As I am starting up a project on colonial astronomy, I really need to level up on my knowledge. Spent a couple of days at the Stockholm university library reading Bo Lundmarks thesis "Sol- om månkult samt astrala och celesta föreställningar bland samerna". Had been a lot more intriguing if it had all been in Swedish, and not filled with German, Danish and Sápmi text….

Jury: Nacka vintersalong

OMG! 500 applications for Nackas winter exhibition…. Will need two days to go through all this, and be amazed by all the exciting work from all around Sweden. Congratulations Nacka.

Ney project in Botkyrka: Fittja torg

Visited Fittja torg together with Miriam Andersson Blecher today. Checking out the spot for a new art piece that will be installed when the new plaza is built in 2024 – and also on a lot of unusually problematic doves…

Invitation to Santa Fe

An exciting meeting with Nanna from Nacka art hall and Martin from MIAC in Santa Fe. We discussed a new collaboration, also connecting to Sápmi culture and the stary skies, connected to my trip to San Pedro in Chile, where I am visiting the Simons Observatory. I am so looking forward to visiting these collaborations this winter and spring.

Fakulteten to Brogård

The project Fakulteten visited Brogård to prepare for workshops this spring.

BRAK in Jämtland

KC Nord arranged BRAK network days in Jämtland. Interesting days!

Maria Miesenberger marks the spot

We met up at Tingstorget today to prepare for Maria Miesenbergers public piece "Forced to a Change". Finally! Due to corona, this work is many years delayed and we really want to see it!

Studiotime Jämtland

I finally had almost a full week of studio time in Jämtland. Amazing to take care of autumn issues in the day time, and take time to paint every night.

A new editorial text from Fakulteten

Anders Wettler from Fakulteten reflects upon patterns through history, in different cultures, in a new text. MORE

Eva Hild continues installing in Botkyrka

Installation day #2 for Eva Hild. Falkbergskolan can be so very happy!!

Writing trip with my children

A few years ago, my children and I composed the story Den ohyggliga skogen together. Now we visited Venice together to continue the story here!

Fakulteten opening at Dieselverkstaden

My project Fakulteten opens at Dieselverkstaden today, to celebrate their 20 years. Such an honor.
Welcome until 16 October. We are working in the space Tuesdays and Wednesdays. More

New project in Botkyrka

Tornbergsparken in Botkyrka will need some art – in 2024. No rush.

Eva Hilds piece reaches Botkyrka

Installation day #1 for Eva Hild in Botkyrka. Continuing next week.

Fakulteten builds exhibition in Nacka


Birthday and art in Rome

Celebrating my birthday for the first time in nine years by visiting Rome with my love. We saw a lot of art that are hundreds or thousands of years old, and a lot of graffiti and street art – and nothing in-between….

New projects starting up

A number of meetings today; We start discussing the process fot a public art piece in Botkyrka, at Fittja torg, to be installed 2024. And I had a Strat meeting with Stockholms fritidsutvecklare regarding a follow up to Resonans. And last, but not least, I worked on a reportage together with Anders Wettler for Fakulteten, based on his studies at the Historical museum and the studio of Shabnam Faraee. So this fall starts of with a multitude of new angles. And yet I long for Jämtland, for work and the birds that soon will leave for warmer countries.

Eva Hild opening in Stockholm

Eva Hild, who will soon install her piece in Botkyrka, opens at GSA today.

Bumlingen is installed in Botkyrka

Jennifer Forsberg installed her piece Bumlingen in Banslättsparken, Botkyrka today. Welcome :-) MORE

Brogård is registerd

Our new non-profit association Brogård has been registered. Now we can start our work in Jämtland.

Back to Stockholm

After two weeks home in Jämtland, I return home to Stockholm. Some stuff awaits me;
Fakulteten need to be prepared for the exhibition this fall + Resonans will be restarted + Professor Apa starts a project in Jämtland + The new organisation Brogård is registered + Several public projects in Botkyrka are launched + I'm preparing my project journey to Chile + And so much more. An interesting autumn awaits us :-)

Studio Brogård

Two weeks in Jämtland!
I have used the time in my studio and worked on two new paintings.
And as my amazing neighbors gave me a boat, we have also seen Brogård from the water side.

Resonans is covered in Imago

My project Resonans is covered in the latest issue of Imago. This magazine work to broaden the communication on culture in Sweden, so it seem fitting that this project is part of it.
Kulturrådet recently founded a continuation of this project, so we hope for a successful movement forward when it comes to art for people with multiple disabilities.

Two new projects

Kulturrådet grants funding for two new projects for Professor Apa today; A continuation of the project Resonans and a collaboration with the new organisation Brogård in Jämtland. Two small, but very interesting projects for 2022-2023.

Mothers care

83 cans, 74 paintings of that which my mother produced, from what grew around us. MORE

Grant from Helge Ax:son Johnson

Today I received a grant from Helge Ax:son Johnson, in order to travel to Chile in December. I have initiated an artistic exploration, comparing what happens to indigenous cultures when the skies fills up with reflecting satellites. The project is named "If the stars goes out".

Jennifer Forsbergs art at the foundry

Jennifer Forsbergs piece "Bumlingen" for Banslättsparken in Botkyrka takes real form. It is never "sexy" in the foundry, but there is some kind of magic, when sketches, texts and discussions suddenly becomes real. Inauguration this year.

Graffiti workshop

Graffiti workshop for beginners in Snösätra today. My kids went all in!

Mothers care

Continuing painting my mothers jam and pickles a few days. It is part of my ongoing work on remembering my mom using the tools I have.

A new Fakulteten exhibition

My project Fakulteten opens its new exhibition today, showing off their artist books. We use the studio of Oscar Wall at Folkungagatan 132 until this Friday. Welcome.

Graffiti festival

Visited the Snösätra graffiti festival today. A good reason to become a member in Grafittifrämjandet, and so should you. Its free and it gives voices to the people who work for changing expressions in public space.

Muhammad Ali studio visit

Today, we visited Muhammad Alis studio to experience his work with VR, to hear about his upcoming exhibitions, to eat cakes ant to discuss the piece "Planthunter" that will be installed in Riksten. Amazing work. Thank you so much Muhammad.

Annika Ottander funeral

Today, one of the worlds finest human beings traveled on.
Annika Ottander, the amazing artist I run Kännbart with for three years, is dead and the funeral was full of love.

When I heard that she'd died, I said "The world just became a worse place, because one of the best of us has passed on."
My love answered "But you do understand, that she is not gone? Right?"

Marco Cueva to Botkyrka

Marco Cueva will produce a new public art piece fot Botkyrka. He will integrate his nature oriented art with the new benches, where children will sit and listen about humans coexistence with nature, for decades to come.

Art input at the Venice biennale

A few great days with art in Venice; The Sápmi pavilion, the Dutch pavilion,Simone Leigh and the Mardi grad indians of New Orleans. Obviously important selection of art this year, but peculiarly hung… Grateful for the company.
September: Returning with my children!

Ulrika Ahlquist

Ulrika Ahlquist, from my project Kännbart, finally released her book, which I have assisted her with.

Fakulteten: Reference goup meeting

During the Fakulteten reference group meeting today, Kerstin Gezelius gives us a presentation of her amazing work.
She does such amazing work - with so much confidence and trust and curiosity - with people of all ages.
Thank you Kerstin.

Preparing course in tufting


Planning the Fakulteten exhibition in September

Meeting with Nanna Leth at Dieselverkstadens art hall today, to prepare for the Fakulteten September exhibition.
We will create an unique pattern on the floors, combined with painted flags in the ceiling.
Time to start working.

Spreading the word

The final push for spreading the experience of Resonans.

Art input

Such luxury when I get to spend some days just engaging in the Stockholm art scene.
Today I visited Konstfack, Sara Vide Ericson, Harald Lyth and Hanni Kamaly.

Workshop with Linnea at Studio 44

The project Fakulteten participates at Linneas workshop at Studio 44 today. There is always good to find methods for people to work side by side, without being able to compare as better-or-worse.

Eva Hilds piece traveling from China

After a loooong corona-waiting, Eva Hilds piece for Botkyrka finally was packed up and sent for shipping to Sweden. Congratulations Falkbergskolan – your art is finally on its way. Thank you Eva for all your extensive efforts!

A Fakulteten studio visit

Visiting the studio of Shabnam Fararee with Anders today, to discuss the evolution of patterns. An article will be published soon on Fakultetens web site.

Mothers care

My mother left a lot of jam and pickled vegetables in the basement before she died. As a part of my work, connecting with mom, I am documenting her work of family providing.
Thank you mom, for providing. Thank you love, for pointing it out.

Getting a studio for Fakulteten

Setting up a studio for s this summer, to prepare for the fall. Folkungagatan 132 will be used for exhibitions, tufting and workshops.

Fakulteten and research

Having a meeting on the possibilities of adding research to my project Fakulteten.
Would be really interesting.

Filming in Nacka

Working with Emma-Lina Ericson in Nacka today, as we start a program for Pallarp.
My oldest son Max participates in the film, and will inform the viewers about the water tower and the art by Pallarp.
Publikation June 2022.

Studio time Jämtland

Enjoyed a few days in Jämtland, painting walls and canvas.

Professor Apa meeting

The members of the board of Professor Apa had a meeting today, visiting Scenkonstmuseet. (Image: Sjusovarnas dans by Simon Alexanderson and Esther Ericsson)

Monika Goras art to Botkyrka

Monika Gora presented her suggestion for a public art piece in Botkyrka. It is very welcome :-)

Spreading the Resonans experience

Professor Apa is now spreading the experience of the project Resonans. How do we make the art scene available for people with multiple disabilities? Read MORE

The editorial office continues

The participants of Fakulteten keep visiting and analyzing the cultural scene in Stockholm. A new segment by Anders coming soon.

A lot of art in Stockholm

The art scene is open again, do visit! For example, Fittja arthall, Marabouparken and Färgfabriken.

Inuti at Kulturhuset

Inuti opens at Kulturhuset, Stockholm! Fakulteten will participate with workshops.

Studio Jämtland

Spending some time in Jämtland, altering the studio.

Fakulteten presenting new project

My project Fakulteten shows the project "Super Forces" today. LINK

Resonans: Web and folders

The project Resonans that I curated is published. The (almost) final website is HERE and folders are here in a couple of weeks.

iPad course by Nadja Ekman

Today Nadja Ekman held a repetition course on different photo- and green screen apps for Fakulteten.

Planning work for Nacka

Meeting today where I plan different projects for Nacka.

The Fakulteten editorial office

My project Fakulteten has begun an editorial office where our participants visit the Stockholm art scene and react to it. You can find Uffes reactions to different compositions HERE

Planning this spring for Fakulteten

A few more months before summer. Today I planned the program for Fakulteten this spring.

Second excursion for the editorial

2022_current_fak_redaktion_02Fakulteten started up an editorial work, and today I went with Uffe to Nationalmuseum for our second excursion.

New design for Fakulteten

Traveled to Gothenburg to meet with Lilian from Utopia, discussing new solutions for Fakulteten workshops.

New work in Nacka

Meeting today where we discussed some new projects in Nacka.

Hoglsaby, second meeting

A second meeting regarding new public art at the Hoglsaby stone age center.

First excursion for the Fakulteten editorial

Fakulteten started up an editorial work, having our participants reflecting on the art world, from their own perspective. This was my first excursion with Uffe, to the Fahlström exhibition.

Studio time Jämtland

Found time for myself in Jämtland, again. Drawing and painting this time, together with the memories.

Workshop and home exhibition

Testing a workshop format where the art could be infiltrated in public spaces.

Interview for Imago

Jenny Åhsberger and I had an interview about Resonans with Imago today.
Good to spread the word.

Art input days

Exploring a number of exhibitions in Stockholm these weeks. Salad at Kulturhuset, Fahlström, Polar art projects and more. Good way to start a new year.



Welcome 2022

Studio Jämtland

A full week at Studio Jämtland. I had a chans to attend when my friend Malin Nord gets the LT culture price 2021.

Jennifer Forsbergs piece on the way

Jennifer Forsberg is a step forward installing her piece in Botkyrka. Inauguration 2022!

Resonans exhibition opened today

Great opening day for Resonans today, with a full schedule.

Building the Resonans exhibition

Today we build the Resonans exhibition. Opening tomorrow.

Jennifer Forsbergs art to Botkyrka

Jennifer Forsberg presented her suggestion for Banslättsparken was accepted today.
Congratulations Botkyrka - inauguration spring 2022.

Preparing for the Resonans exhibition

We are preparing for exhibition Resonans, opening Thursday next week. There are pieces by Julia Adzuki & Patrick Dallard, Nadja Ekman and Amanda Emricson & Ulf Klarström. The images shows Jenny Åhsberger making tactile exhibition maps.
Presentation of SÖK by Nadja Ekman: LINK
Presentation of Droppar by Amanda Emricson & Ulf Klarström: LINK
Presentation of bAUM by Julia Adzuki & Patrick Dallard: LINK

Sápmi family history

Digging where I stand together with my sister. We've never really discussed or explored our Sápmi family history but it is time now. Image: Our grandmothers "magic charm", one of the few things we have left.

Fakulteten prepares for a new exhibition

During todays meeting with Fakulteten, we prepare a new project which will result in an exhibition in January/February.

New project in Botkyrka: Hoglsaby

First meeting for a new public art in Botkyrka, connecting with Hoglsaby. Inauguration in a year.

Studio Jämtland


Fakulteten workshop finished

Arranged a workshop period for Fakulteten, with artist Torbjörn Berg. MORE

Art input Gothenburg

Weekend in Gothenburg with Göteborg International Biennal, Hasselblad center and new public art by Axel Karlsson Rixon.

Hjärtats arkeologi

Planning a new curated exhibition and anthology with Nanna Leth. Working name: Hjärtats arkeologi.

Carpenter workshop

Three workshop days where Lilian teaches the participants in Fakulteten how to do carpentry. MORE

Art input in Barcelona

Finding the time to visit Barcelona this weekend, for some new exhibitions.

Fakulteten infiltrates Kulturhuset

My project Fakulteten installed the project Objects in the storage boxes at Kulturhuset in Stockholm today. I included my sculpture In the Ravine.

Eva Hilds piece on its way

Foundation for Eva Hilds piece in Botkyrka being produced.


Acrylic on pvc, 59x59 cm.
Larger images

Forest workshopday

The artists of Fakulteten held a workshop day in collaboration with Stockholm stad, where we invited people to create together with us.

Eva Hilds piece for Botkyrka

Eva Hilds piece is ready for transport to Falkbergskolan in Botkyrkan. Installation this fall.

Nya flaggor ends

After Fakulteten has shown its exhibition Nya flaggor during all summer, it's time to dismantle it. Thank you Dieselverkstaden.

Visiting Telefonfabriken

Visiting Telefonfabriken for our upcoming exhibition Resonans in November.

Frida Tebus new art work installed in Botkyrka

Frida Tebus piece Tvärsnitt is installed in Botkyrka. Congratulations Botkyrka! MORE

Frida Tebus installs her piece

Frida Tebus begins her installation of Opalen in Botkyrka today.

Fakulteten - planning this autumn

So nice to meet with the project managers in Fakulteten today. Also great to contact upcoming workshop leaders as Lilian from Utopia and Torbjörn Berg.
We are up and running again!

Fakultetens first meeting this fall

Good to se everybody in project Fakulteten after this summer. Now we start up again!

Workshop public art

In Fakulteten, we decided to work with things that we can show in the public space during the summer. My children chose to name her mothers cabin, and make a sign for it :-)

Studio time Jämtland


Art input this summer

Spending a lot of this summer to visit exhibitions. Time for input after this long corona time.

Fakulteten takes a summer break

The project Fakulteten met today to show all new works and to wish each other a nice summer.

Lecture: Mina drömmar i min konst

Held a lecture at a Inuti project on dreams today. MORE LECTURES

Time in Studio Jämtland

Good work in cold Jämtland a few days.

Resonans at Telefonfabriken

Visiting Telefonfabriken today. We decide to show the exhibition Resonans there in November.

Nya flaggor -exhibition prolonged

Dieselverkstaden offered us to extend our exhibition "Nya flaggor" today.
You can see it until August. Welcome :-)


Jennifer Forsberg in Botkyrka

Jennifer Forsberg visits Banslättsparken in Botkyrka today for a new public piece. Installation 2022.

A new flag in Enskede

We have worked with flags in Fakulteten, and this weekend we display them where we live. Exhibition at Dieselverkstaden 3/6. My flag "210313" on my balcony in Enskede. MORE

Member of the Swedish journalist association

Today I became a member of the Swedish journalist association, as part of a new part of our project Fakulteten this fall.

Kulturrådet krisstöd Resonans

Kulturrådet has decided to support project Resonans with "krisstöd" so that we can run it during the corona.

Flag project Fakulteten

The flag project continues in project Fakulteten.

New public art in Botkyrka

New commission as art consultant in Botkyrka today. Inauguration fall 2022.

Time in Studio Jämtland

Studio time in Jämtland, marked with a flag designed by my children and made in Fakulteten.

New drawing

"Pappa förlorar synen" – a new drawing based on my diary notes on how the life of my father changed when he lost his sight.
LARGER image. Part of my ongoing Pathos

Discover an old artist book

When we visit Botkyrka art hall today, I discovered my old piece A Concise History of the Universe in their archive.
Lunch on Mandana Moghaddams public art before the exhibition by Cecilia Germain.

Flagg workshop day

Fakulteten arranged a textile course where the participants made their ow flaggs.

Jennifer Forsberg to botkyrka

Artist Jennifer Forsberg has accepted a commission in Botkyrka.
Congratulations Botkyrka.

Annual meeting, Professor Apa

Professor Apa held its annual meeting today, reporting 2020 and planning for more art 2021.

Availibility archive

With the support from Kulturförvaltningen, I have begun to work on an online archive about culture and availability.
It will launch on the Professor Apa webpage during 2021.

Eva Hilds piece for Botkyrka

Eva Hilds work for Falkbergskolan in Botkyrka evolves, Super 8. Inauguration 2022!

Preparing annual meeting, Professor Apa

Preparing Professor Apas annual meeting next week, I realize the number of projects we run; Fakulteten, Resonans, Tillsammans, Överbryggning and a number of collaborations and projects that are coming up.

The exhibition "Alla hjältar" ends

The exhibition Alla hjältar, in the project Fakulteten, ends today at Dieselverkstaden.

Public art in Örebro

A weekend in Örebro, watching all the public art / Open art

Lecture Nyckelviksskolan

Gave a lecture to Nyckelviksskolan on how to build projects based on democracy and availability.

Inspiration videos, Fakulteten

We proudly present inspiration videos från Fakulteten today. LINK

Opening Fakulteten

Fakultetens first exhibition had its opening (by zoom) today at Dieselverkstaden by me and Nadja Ekman.

Vaktaren part of the exhibition Alla hjältar

My workshop piece Vaktaren is part of the exhibition Alla hjältar. MORE

Building a new exhibition

Building the first physical Fakulteten-exhibition at Dieselverkstaden with Nadja Ekman.

Support from Stockholms kulturförvaltning

Stockholm stads kulturförvaltning has decided to support the work of Professor Apa 2021, so that we can evolve our commitments.

New project in Botkyrka

Banslättsparken in Botkyrka will be rebuilt 2021 - 2022. We begin the process for public art today.

Input in Gothenburg

A few great days in Gothenburg. Getting input from Utopia, Sätt färg på Göteborg and Labamba for my project Fakulteten.

Professor Apa in Jämtland

When the Professor Apa-bags are filled in Jämtland, it is with saws and axes. Late Christmas tree-arrangement.

Welcome 2021!

Shabnams art installed in Botkyrka

Shabnam Faraee installed her public piece in Botkyrka today. A long long road that Shabnam managed to bring over the finish line. MORE

Fakulteten next assignment

The artists in Fakulteten got started on our next assignment – making a personal flag!
Look to a number of windows in Stockholm this spring.

Reference group meeting in Fakulteten

Such a great group of people that participated in todays first Fakulteten reference group meeting. Helén KN, Kerstin G and Mathias s - thank you so much.

Lecture at Nyckelvikskolan in March

How to build and finance a project? Invited to lecture at Nyckelvikskolan in March.

Professor Apa goodie bags

Professor Apa delivers art material to the participants in Fakulteten, for work during Christmas.

Studio Jämtland-time

Back in Studio Jämtland. (Less crowds than Stockholm.)

Opening exhibition with heroes

Fakulteten opens its web exhibition with heroes today. LINK

Rebuilding Fakulteten web page

Rebuilding the Fakulteten web page. Welcome HERE

Traces in frost in "Our traces"

Visiting the church yard in Lit, finding that the benches in Våra spår are being used. MORE

Testing the light for Shabnams piece

Test of the light for Shabnams piece Solstjärna. Installation December.

Collaboration with hugo

Collaboration with Hugo for the kitchen wall, in Studio Jämtland.

Skarpnäcks kulturhus

Second meeting with Maria B L at Skarpnäcks kulturhus, regarding her upcoming project, which could be a collaboration with Fakulteten and Professor Apa.

Professor Apa + Skärholmen

Exciting meeting with Maria B L in Skärholmen today, regarding her project that might cooperate with Fakulteten and other initiatives in Professor Apa.

Professor apa, chairboard meeting

Professor Apa had its chair board meeting at Dieselverkstaden today.

Gunilla Bandolin installs art in Botkyrka

Gunilla Bandolin installs her piece Måsen in Botkyrka today.

Muhammad Alis suggestion for public art in Botkyrka

Muhammad Ali presented his suggestion for a public art piece in Riksten, Botkyrka today. It was accepted and he will now continue with his work "Planthunter".

Monster/Hero workshop

Children workshop today, building a protective hero / a Halloween monster, in Jämtland. MORE

Fakulteten: Workshop days at Dieselverkstaden

Fakulteten has time together this week, at Dieselverkstaden in Nacka, to explore and collaborate in the project "Hero".
Nadja Ekman and Alicia Lopez provided extra input, as Anna Ekros filmes "manual interviews" to inspire others who need to work creatively during lock down.

Jacob Dahlgren installs his art in Botkyrka

Jacob Dahlgren installs his piece in Botkyrka today. MORE

Fakulteten study day in Uppsala

Visiting some studio solutions in Uppsala, as well as taking a class in accounting in Uppsala, as part of Fakulteten.

Art in Uppsala

Visiting Uppsala for some art (and raw beef).

Visiting Härke art center

Malin Nord showed me around the Härke art center.

New course: Greenscreen

We started a new course in Fakulteten today, run by Nadja Ekman: Our artists learn about the greenscreen technique.

Fakulteten visiting Nordiska museet

Artists from Fakulteten visited Nordiska museet today, for their research.

Mentoring in the Fakulteten project

Discussing different techniques and methods with artist at Medis 5 today, as part of Fakulteten.

Deciding the spot for Shabnams art

Discussing the spot for Shabnams art in Storvretsparken. MORE

Workshop day at Dieselverkstaden

Preparing Fakultetens workshop day at Dieselverkstaden today.

Hanna Hedmans art installed in Botkyrka


Inauguration Våra spår

Våra spår inaugurated today, with a ceremony in cold weather. MORE

A hero collaboration

All the participants in Fakulteten has worked with heroic alter egos during the summer. I worked with my children to gather things at Brogård, to assemble this character. MORE

Mandana Moghaddams art installed


A new flag

We finally made a new flag for Brogård. A collaborative process and part of project Fakulteten.

Våra spår

My project Våra spår in Jämtland is mostly installed. It might never be finished, but it is prepared for inauguration. MORE

Superhero sidekick

Fakulteten has a summer task; The alter ego as a super hero. My kids chose this as my sidekick.

Fakulteten adjusts to summer time

We had our last planned meeting in Fakulteten today. We all prepared for our work this summer – to shape ourselves as super heroes.
Presentation in August.

Two new public art pieces to Botkyrka

Two new public pieces of public art were approved in Botkyrka today:
Super-8 by Eva Hild and Solstjärna by Shabnam Faraee.
Inaugurations 2022 and 2020.

Maria Miesenberger at Tingstorget

We met Maria Miesenberger at Tingstorget in Botkyrka, to plan her new art piece.
Turns out she had her birtday the day after, which was noticed in DN HERE

Studio Jämtland

Preparing work space at Brogård for an upcoming mission in Fakulteten.

Thomas Nordström installes Let's go

Thomas Nordström installed his piece Let's Go at Rödstuhages sports stadium in Botkyrka.
Congratulations Botkyrka!

The board of Professor Apa broadens

Lars Annersten from the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts has agreed to be part of the board of Professor Apa.
Our programs and organisation is growing, slow but steady.

The book Alla hjältar postponed

The Alma löv exhibition are drastically reduced this year, due to covid-19. AK Westin and I have decided to postpone the book Alla hjältar until next summer.

The first course in Fakulteten

Eleven artists from Medis 5 and Inuti gathered today in the project Fakulteten.
Artist Nadja Ekman began her course in photography.

Frida Tebus art to Botkyrka

Botkyrka has accepted Frida Tebus suggestion for the pre school Opalen.
Inauguration winter 2020.

Annual meeting in Professor Apa

Great to see Nanna and Hélene in Professor Apas annual board meeting today.

New gadgets to Fakulteten

Obtained 10 iPads for the artists in Fakulteten. Dozens of hours downloading and syncing the apps.

Jacob Dahlgrens art to botkyrka

Artist Jacob Dahlgrens suggestion Togetherness is approved for the pre school Vallmon in Botkyrka.
Congratulations Botkyrka!

Book on participants at Galleri SE

Konsthall SE in Falun has made a great book, presenting their exhibition history. I made my Collision Frequency Increased exhibition there, and they chose my piece Your Heart is a Muscle for their book.

Hanna Hedmans art accepted in Botkyrka

Hanna Hedman presented her art suggestion for Botkyrka today. Everybody welcomed it.
Inauguration this fall.

Paper for the book Alla hjältar

We just received paper samples for the book Alla hjältar. Release this summer.

Mandanas art for Botkyrka

Mandana Moghaddams art piece for Botkyrka is to be installed this spring, behind Botkyrka art hall.

Graphic profile for Fakulteten

Fredrik Andersson has created a graphic profile for Fakulteten. Great as always. Thanks.

The control group for Fakulteten

The control group for Fakulteten had its first meeting today. A great Skype-meeting with Hélene Burmeister from Professor Apa, Mats Eriksson from Medis 5 and Anneli Aaltonen from Inuti. We just took a great step forward.

Strange times are upon us

"We need to be more creative than we hade planned for."
(Anneli Alltonen, Inuti)

The corona virus has forced us to postpone the project Resonans, and the new project Fakulteten has to be reorganized.
Lets all do what we can, as good as we can.

Reboot for Storvretspaken

Shabnam has to rethink her art for Storvretsparken in Botkyrka. Start meeting today.

Fakulteten 2020 - 2023

Arvsfonden decided today that they will finance three years of our project Fakulteten.
Professor Apa runs the project together with Medis 5, Kulturhuset Dieselverkstaden and Inuti.

Resonans developes

Project RESONANS developes with art by Amanda Emricson & Ulf Klarström, Nadja Ekman and Julia Adzuki & Patrick Dallard.
Opening March 20.

Leaving the head of the board

As we prepare for the project Fakulteten, I will leave my seat as head of the board of Professor Apa. Hélene Burmeister will now take that position – Welcome!

Signing work certificates for Fakulteten


Studio Jämtland


The colaborative comic moves on

The project Alla hjältar, together with A.K. Westin moves on. Possible release at Alma Löv this summer.

Jacob Dahlgren to Botkyrka

Jacob Dahlgren accepts a commission for Vallmon pre school in Botkyrka.
Inauguration fall 2020.

Starting point for Resonans

Meeting with Stockholm Sports Administration today, discussing the upcoming project RESONANS.
It is run by Professor Apa, it is financed by Kulturrådet and I will be the curator.
Inauguration March 2020.

New artists for Botkyrka

Four new artists has been invited for public art assignments in Botkyrka: Frida Tebus, Gunilla Bandolin, Eva Hild and Hanna Hedman.
Congratulations Botkyrka!

New project "Resonance" financed

Kulturrådet announced today that they will finance the project Resonans, run by Professor Apa together with Stockholm Sports Administration. It will result in an exhibition for people with multiple disabilities in the beginning of 2020.

Test castings for Fittjahöjden public art

Stoneform has found a way to cast concrete with colored details. They will now produce Mandana Moghaddams art piece for Fittjahöjden.

Bims art installed

Bim Erikssons art is installed at Broängens spor center today. MORE

Studio Jämtland: New heating system

For 115 years Brogård has been heated by fire. From now on, the cold water of Indalsälven will (some how) heat the farm.

Botkyrka day

Botkyrka work today: Thomas Nordström presented his suggestion for Rödstuhage sport stadium, and then we discussed artists for Falkbergskolan, Toppstugan, Vallmon, Opalen and måsen. A lot of public art is coming up 2020!

Bästa biennalen conference

Professor Apa took part of the Bästa biennalen conference in Malmö today.

Visiting Opalen

This new pre school need some art. Installation fall 2020.

Opening: Fakulteten at Dieselverkstaden

Opening at Dieselverkstaden today, presenting the art produced by children during our workshops. MORE

"Våra spår" installed

We have worked a full year collecting the thoughts of children in Lit, regarding what we leave behind when we die.
The benches are now installed (although - just now - in opposite places). Inauguration spring 2020. MORE

Workshops in Dieselverkstaden

During this autumn brake, we have arranged free workshops for children in Stockholm.
The project is run at Dieselverkstaden by Professor Apa together with Inuti and Medis 5.

Layout and information for Fakulteten

Through our association Professor Apa, I'm arranging open workshops together with Inuti and Medis 5 this autumn.
The information is prepared. Welcome to Dieselverkstaden 28 - 21 October.

Alla hjältar 2019

A K Westin visiting Stockholm to finish our old project Alla hjältar. Publication summer 2020.

New comission as consultant

New commission as consultant in Botkyrka: A housing with special service for adults, "Toppstugan 11"

Graphical update for Professor Apa

Updated both the logo, some material and the web page for Professor Apa. WELCOME

Hate to tell you I told you so

Public art in Nacka since the reorganization:
SVT 5/9 2019 LINK
Expressen 6/9 LINK
Dagens Nyheter 8/9 2019 LINK
Svenska Dagbladet 12/9 2019 LINK
Dagens Nyheter 1/10 2019 LINK
Dagens nyheter 17/10 LINK
SVT 17/10 2019 LINK
Dagens nyheter 15/12 LINK

Fakulteten preparing in Nacka

The artists from Inuti and Medis 5 prepare their workshops together with Torbjörn Berg.

Inauguration for "Våra spår" is coming up

Jens and Susanne – who usually engrave the tombstones for Lits church yard – are finishing the images and texts for Våra spår. Inauguration late October.

Inuti and Medis 5 begins Fakulteten

Inuti och Medis 5 initiate their collaboration in Fakulteten at Dieselverkstaden in October.

Bims suggestion for Broängen is accepted

Bim Erikssons suggestion fot Broängen sportcenter is accepted. Inauguration fall 2019. MORE

Rödstuhage sports stadium

Visiting Rödstuhages sports stadium with Thomas Nordström. Inauguration of a new art piece spring 2020.

More asssignments in Botkyrka

Introduced to three new commissions in Botkyrka today. A very nice (somewhat late) birthday present.

"Våra spår" etchings being prepared

Celebrating my birthday by visiting Jens who will etch the slates in the art project Våra spår.

This wall need some art

Bim Ericson are working on an art piece for this wall. Inauguration December.

Benches for "Våra spår"

The benches are cast by "Murarn" for the art project in Jämtland.

"Resonans" developed

Developing new projects together with Stockholms leisure developer today. First out is "Resonans", an art project for people with multiple disabilities the upcoming winter.

Art for a future living area

Muhammad Ali visits Rikstens future living area to plan his public art for 2020.

Professor Apa Hagström

Stepping up the game. LINK

Våra spår to the next level

Studio Jämtland available

My studio in Jämtland is for hire on AirBNB.

Studiotime Jämtland


Alla hjältar 11 years later

A.K. Westin has contacted me about our project Alla hjältar from 2008.
Should we make a presentation next year? Hmm…

Thomas Nordström to Botkyrka

Thomas Nordström will create a new piece for Rödstuhages new sports stadium. Inauguration 2020.

Fakulteten evolves

Meetings with Medis 5, Inuti and Torbjörn Berg these days, for the small version of Fakulteten, and the larger one, run by Professor Apa.
Welcome great partners 2019 - 2020.

Muhammad Ali to Botkyrka

Muhammad Ali will create a new public piece for Riksten. Inauguration spring 2020.

All books...

I have med it easier to take part of my work regarding my own reading. Welcome HERE

Skapande skola

Preparing material for a project in "Skapande skola".

Mandana's got a GO

Mandana can finally start producing her public work outside Botkyrka art hall.

Bim Eriksson to Botkyrka

Meeting with Bim today. She will create the new art piece for Broängen.
Congratulations Botkyrka.

Work in Jämtland

Different kinds of work in Jämtland.

Article about "Våra spår"


Three new artists to Botkyrka

We start three new public art projects in Botkyrka, and the artists were decided today.
Congratulations Botkyrka.

New drawing: "Tide"


A new fountain on the way

Shabnams suggestion for a new fountain in Storvretsparken is formally accepted. Congratulatons botkyrka.

Some goes up, some goes down

Removing all art from Falkbergsskolan before the rebuilding. Thank you Petri and Åsa.

Professor Apa Annual Meeting

Professor Apa has an annual meeting today. Thanks Hélene Burmeister and Nanna Leth.

Unga brobyggare

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm" / Winston Churchill
Unga brobyggare failed to be financed the first time around.

Beginnning a new project

Meeting with Stockholms leisure developer today to discuss an exhibition in January 2020. Fingers crossed.

Professor Apa with Inuti, Medis 5 and Dieselverkstaden

Professor Apa begin the project Fakulteten together with Medis 5 and Inuti. Meeting at Dieselverkstaden today.

Fakulteten starts

Kulturförvaltningen in Stockholm has approved to finance the first part of Fakulteten, run by Professor Apa.

Arts and Sports

I often compare (making) art with cooking or sports. Now we start two new projects in Botkyrka, where we produce public art for new sport sites.

Last day of Mittsalongen

1 500 visitors later – today is the last day of Mittsalongen in Östersund.
I participated with Pyrocumulus.

Shabnams fontain accepted

Shabnam presented her suggestion for Storvretsparken, and it got a GO. More

Hundred meters doodle?


Theme day about life and death

Arranging a full day theme day regarding life and death for children age 13 to 15 in Lit, as part of the precept Våra spår.

Two new assignement in Botkyrka

Today we started two new public art projects in Botkyrka: Broängens sports center and Rödstuhage sports stadium.
Inaugurations spring 2020.

Shabnams art evolves

Shabnam is working on her fountain for Storvretsparken in Botkyrka. Inauguration 2020.


A couple of illustrations this month.

Part of Mittsalongen

I'm part of the first large exhibition Mittsalongen in Östersund with Pyrocumulus.

Citizen dialogue in Riksten

Arranging a citizen dialogue in Riksten regarding their future public art. MORE

Installation by Lena Flodman

Lena Flodman installs her pence "House on Boots" in Nacka. More

More work in Jämtland

A number of meetings I Jämtland and the project Våra spår takes shape.

Keep writing a book from all books

I keep writing a book – ONE book – from all the boks I have ever read, in chronological order. MORE

Editorial work on childrens images

Editorial time with childrens material on death and the traces that we leave behind.

Left unfinnished

Due to the reorganization of the public art in Nacka, I have to leave some projects. The best of luck to Bigert&Bergren at Boo gårds skola, Mats Olofgörs for Myrsjöskolan and Gunilla Poignant for Kristallen. Congratulations Nacka, for all arriving art.

Raw materials for new light trees


Decisions on public art

Fakulteten summer event

Planning the summer events in Nacka for Fakulteten, together with Hélene Burmeister.

Studio days

Different works that examens the pathetic.

Busy days in Botkyrka

A lot of public art in Botkyrka these days .
The new projects Riksten and Falkbergsskolan and the ongoings projects with Maria Miesenberger, Shabnam Faraee and Linda Bäckström.

Bigert & Bergströms suggestion for Nacka

Bigert & Bergström presented their great suggestion for the future Boo gårds skola in Nacka.
"Like a jewel" someone said.

Input in Gothenburg

Among other experiences, Per Agélii, Annika Ekdahl and Oscar Muñoz in Gothenburg this weekend.

Concrete and art

Visiting Stoneform with Kerstin and Mandana.

Invited to give a lecture in Barcelona

I was invited today to participate at the EU project Clap hands seminar in Barcelona this summer.

Professor Apa - updated webpage

Professor Apa has an updated webpage HERE

Unga brobyggare formulated

After many long months – the project "Unga brobyggare" is finally formulated and an application has been sent.
Thank you Malin, Stefan, Berit and Gerd. Lets cross fingers for three intensive years in Jämtland!

Professor Apa is starting up 2019

Meeting with Hélene Burmeister today, planning the winter- and spring activities for Professor Apa.

New assignment

Starting a new assignment as consultant in Botkyrka. New public art for Riksten coming up.

Happy new year


"A horrfying fairy tale"

My sons has developed this story during many many months, as a fairy tale and with drawings.
As 2018 comes to a close, so does this story as well. more

Moving art

The piece "Illusion"by Backa Carin Ivarsdotter has to be moved. Planning for 2019.

Place for art at Fittjahöjden

Discussing the place for Mandanas art piece for Fittjahöjden.

Art for Falkbergsskolan

We have started the process for new art in Botkyrka. Inauguration 2021.

Sketch presentation

First: Preparing my suggestion for future art at the church yards in Lit and Häggenås with some soup. Then: Visiting the church yard in Häggenås. Finally: Presenting my sketches for the church board and being approved. Inauguration phase one 2019.

Measures from the churchyard in Lit

Today was not the easiest day to measure the future engravings at the churchyard in Lit.

Prolonged assignement in Botkyrka

I have signed on to continue as art consultant in Botkyrka.

Maria Miesenbergers suggestion for Botkyrka

The art council in Botkyrka accepted Maria Miesenbergers suggestion for Tingstorget.
Congratulations Botkyrka :-)

Work in Jämtland

Meeting the winter in Jämtland this year, during different kinds of work.

Shabnam event in Botkyrka

I helped Shabnam Faraee arrange this weekend event in Storvretsparken. A lot of new paintings and patterns! link

Pedagogical material regarding death

I have made a pedagogical brochure for the work with children in Jämtland, in discussions regarding life, death and that which we leave behind. MORE

Kännbart catalogue and web page

ABF Örebro has finally released the condensed Kännbart web page AND sent out the amazing Kännbart catalogue, made by BankerWessel.

The art for Tingstorget is comming

Maria Miesenbergers art is coming to this new housing area.

Autumn in Jämtland

Meeting this autumn in Jämtland, where two art projects comes to life.

The church yard projects has a Go

The church council of Lit and Häggenås has today decided that our public project with children will be implemented.

The consultant work begins this fall

Thins fall is getting started: Shabnam in Storvreten, Lena at Oxelvägen, Mandana in Fittjahöjden, Maria for Tingstorget and more…

Gnarly trees for church yards

Searching and finding the gnarly trees in Jämtland.

Stone and engravings

Researching local slate and engravings in Jämtland.

Welcome to a new studio

My new studio in Jämtland.

Shabnams process in Botkyrka

Shabnam Faraees work for Storvretsparken in Botkyrka is accessible through her new blog. Visit HERE


Six months later - the application from Professor Apa is finally in. Fingers crossed.

New assignment

Planning stone works

"Look into my eyes"

New locations in Jämtland

Visiting different locations for new projects in Jämtland.

Model Nr 2


Sketcing old style

Thinking with my hands today. Let's see what it results in.

Art, children and graveyards

A big leap for a new project for two church yards in Jämtland. This church is so brave.
It don't fear hard qouestions and really believe in childrens world view.

Bridge and art project is growing in Lit

Intense days in Lit, working on our new massive project. Prepare for winter 2018!

KRO regarding public art in Nacka

Nacka has changed its routines for public art.
Here is KRO's reply link

3D-printing and museums

I'm part of a reference group for the Swedish National Heritage Board.
The project Is called
"God praxis för utnyttjande av 3D i taktila och tillgängliga museiupplevelser".
The project will run through 2018.

Backa Carin installs her work in Botkyrka

Backa Carins piece Speglingar was installed in Botkyrka today.
Thank you! more

Mandana Moghaddam to Botkyrka

Mandana will work with Fittjahöjden in almost two years. Congratulations Botkyrka!

Inauguration, Ebba Bohlin

Ebba Bohlins piece Tillblivelse was installed and inaugurated at Utskogens pre school today.
Great work everybody! more

Shabnam Faraee to Botkyrka

The reshaping of Storvretsparken in Botkyrka will include an extensive public art project.
Welcome Shabnam, and congratulations Botkyrka!

Possible project in Jämtland

Today, I was invited to one of the finest projects ever as an artist.
Lets hope it can be realized.

Lena Flodmans suggestion for Nacka

Congratulations Nacka and Oxelvägens pre school.

Things wont stay still in Jämtland

Things are either falling apart – or building momentum – in Lit, Jämtland. A few days of cracked roofs and great project ideas.

Kännbarts förstärkare

Writing the letters of participation for the "förstärkare" in project Kännbart.

Backa Carin in Botkyrka

Backa Carin Ivarsdotters suggestion for a public art piece in Botkyrka is accepted. Installation this summer.

Bigert & Bergström to Nacka

Bigert & Bergström accept a commission for the new Boo gårds school in Nacka.

"Tillblivelse" takes shape

The public piece "Tillblivelse" ("Genesis") by Ebba Bohlin takes shape. Inauguration at Utskogen pre school in June.

More art for Nacka

Visiting Oxelvägen today with Lena Flodman to research the place for her upcoming art piece.

Installation day, Ältadalen pre school

Irina installs her two part art work at Ältadalens pre school today.

Reading WiklundWiklund

WiklundWiklund is almost home with a fantastic book about the Fisksätra mönsterarkiv. I really appreciate a chance to proofread it in advance.

Medis 5 and Inuti

Great meetings with Medis 5 and Inuti today, regarding the future project Fakulteten (part of Professor Apa). We are getting there :-)

A new catalogue is born

The catalogue about Kännbart is here!! Thank you BankerWessel! Soon to be distributed – watch your postboxes in April. more

Fakulteten at Medis 5

The responsible for art in three Stockholm regions met today, to plan for Fakulteten (part of Professor Apa).
Nanna Leth from Nacka, Hélene Burmeister from Sollentuna and Miriam Andersson-Blecher from Botkyrka also took part of the practice at Medis 5.

Even more snow and more art

Visiting Ältadalens preschool with Irina My Ahrenstedt. Installation this easter.

More snowy parks

Another park In Botkyrka, Storvretsparken. Visiting the place for the new art hall with Kerstin to discuss the public art piece.

Snowy Storvretsparken

Visited Storvretsparken in Botkyrka for the first time today. Planning an investigative art process 2018 - 2019.

Voices from Kännbart

Working on the Kännbart report and stumbled upon these quotes from the participants with sight- and/or hearing disabilities (aka "förstärkare"):

”Kännbart handlar inte bara om att kvotera in oss, att ge oss en gräddfil in i konstvärlden. Det handlar inte heller bara om syn- och hörselnedsättningar. Det handlar om att vi har unika erfarenheter och unika perspektiv.”

”Det här att jag har fått vara med i Kännbart, det har gett mig så himla mycket. Det har stort att jag har vågat en massa på grund av det - jag har sökt jobb, jag har sökt kurser. Det hade jag inte vågat innan.”
”Jag har arbetat med tillgänglighet för landstinget och det är skittråkigt, för det händer ingenting. Det här projektet har åstadkommit mycket mer, på mycket kortare tid.”
”Jag har gått igenom många processer i mitt liv, men det här året med Kännbart har varit en av de viktigaste. Jag har fått tillbaka modet, självförtroendet. Projekt Kännbart har gett mig en grund.”

”Jag är stolt för att jag förändrade mitt liv!”

With Backa Carin to Botkyrka

Many things became clear when we visited the place for Backa Carins new piece; the great oak woods, for instance, is a small grove.

New assignements as a consultant

I started two new assignments as an art consultant in Botkyrka today; Fittjahöjden and Storvretsparken.

"Art creating segregation"



Welcome to my new web page.
Due to a computer break down, I had to rebuild it.
2018 – deconstruct and create.

A new project in Jämtland?

Today I met with Malin Nord and Malin Navarro to discuss a new project in Lit, Jämtland.
Maybe this time?

Maria Miesenberger to Botkyrka

Visiting Tingstorget with Maria Miesenberger today. Inauguration 2019.

Lena Flodman to Nacka

Oxelvägen pre school chose Lena Flodman for a new public art piece.
And Lena accepted! Congratulations Nacka!

Professor Apa

New project, new web page HERE

2018 is here

Welcome 2018!!

Last meeting in Sollentuna

My last meeting in Sollentuna today. From this day on we all rely on that the exciting project in Sollentuna can develop without me. All the best to everyone involved :-)

"Simsalabim" to Nacka

Irina My Ahrenstedt presents her suggestion for Ältadalens pre school. Everybody enthusiastically agreed. Inauguration May 2018.

Backa Carin Ivarsdotter to Botkyrka

It was decided today that Backa Carin Ivarsdotter will create an art piece for the LSS housing Lugnet in Botkyrka.
Congratulations Botkyrka.

Kännbart ends

Project Kännbart had its very last meeting today, and we celebrated three yeas with a dinner. Bon voyage everybody.

Folder for Nacka

Using this Sunday to produce a folder fot Nacka, regarding all the public social projects we have worked on since 2012.

Professor Apa evolves


Gunilla Poignant to Nacka

Gunilla Poignant accept a commission for public art at the future Kristallen pre school in Nacka.
Congratulations Nacka :-)

The future Malmparken

A new park will open in the center of Sollentuna 2019. Obviously there's gonna be some art.

Inauguration Jans plats

Inauguration in Fisksätra today: The final chapter Jans plats in the ten year project Fisksätra mönsterarkiv by WiklundWiklund.

New project in Nacka

The future pre school by Oxelvägen need some art. The process start today.

Ebba Bohlins suggestion accepted

Ebba Bohlin presents her suggestion for a public art piece in Nacka. All present loved it.

Inauguration: Linda Bäckström

Inauguration for Linda Bäckströms piece DINO at Sörgården pre school! MORE

Mats suggestion for Myrsjöskolan

Mats Olofgörs presents his suggestion for an art piece for Myrsjöskolan.

A final party for Kännbart

Finally some unresponsibel time with Kännbart.

Kännbart - end seminar

End seminar today for Kännbart. Program HERE


Two days with talks and lectures for "förstärkare" in project Kännbart. See program HERE

Tingstorget takes shape

And it will require some art.

Lindas work gets its colors

Lindas work for Sörgården is lacquered today. MORE

Art days in Umeå

With Max and Hugo in Umeå. Janna Holmstedts exhibition Then, the Bark; Bildmuseets exhibition Ana Mendieta and more.

Älvgräs installed

Johanna Byström Sims have installed her piece today. MORE

Assignement in Sollentuna

Three youth centers will collaborate to create a new public art piece in Sollentuna. I have been asked to assist in launching the project.

New projects in Botkyrka and Nacka

Lugnet in Botkyrka and Boo gårds preschool in Nacka need some art.

Irina to Nacka

Irina My Ahrenstedt will create a new piece for Ältadalens pre school in Nacka.
Congratulations Nacka.

Working on the Kännbart book

BaknerWessel has the great idea for Kännbarts final book. It'll be great!

La Biennale di Venezia 2017

Art, food and wine with Åsa Elieson and Magnus Jacobsson.

Opening Kännbart

Thanks all the 350 visitors during the last opening of Kännbart.

Three interviews

Together with Annika Ottander, I've made three interviews with people that are deaf- and/or blind.
1. Graciela Gonzalo-Sundström grew up deaf in Argentina, and then lost her sight in Sweden. Watch HERE
2. Dennis Lindell and Fredrik Lundgren discuss dating and work. Watch HERE
3. Jane Eriksen is deaf and blind. Her hobbies: Literature and riding. Watch HERE

Opening in two days - Kännbart is growing


Building last Kännbart exhibition


"Tre projekt där barnen är med"


Accidentally discovered that Haninge has published "Offentlig konst i haninge där barnen är med".
It presents three projects. All with me as the art consultant / project manager. Download it HERE

Another broken heart

I was a asked to make red broken heart, for Mikaelas book as part of Kännbart. Here it is.

Ebba Bohlin to Nacka

Visiting Utskogen new preschool today together with artist Ebba Bohlin, planning her public art.

Planning the next project


Long hard hat day


BankerWessel and Kännbart

The book for Kännbart is taking shape. Thanks once again BankerWessel (who also worked with the TA PLATS!-book).

New project in Nacka, Ältadalen

The construction of Ältadalens pre school is almost completed. Time to choose art.

Ebba Bohlin to Nacka

Ebba Bohlin has accepted an assignment for public art at Utskogens new pre school.
Congratulations Nacka.

Planning exhibition at Scenkonstmuseet


Gracielas new piece

Graciela is working on her public piece for Scenkonstmuseet this fall, with assistance from Linda Bäckström.

Two projects in Nacka today

First: Start up meeting for the new Kristallen pre school. Inauguration 2019.
Second: Deciding the kind of art for Utskogen new pre school. Inauguration 2017.

Zenit writes about Kännbart


Mats Olofgörs to Nacka

It was decided today that artist Mats Olofgörs will create the art for the new Myrsjöskolan. Congratulations Nacka!

Johanna Sims to create "Älvgräs"

The art council of Botkyrka has accepted Johanna Sims suggestion Sjögräs for Stigbygeln. Inauguration this fall.

In the foundry

The children at Sörgården pre school visits the foundry where Linda Bäckströms piece takes shape.

Kännbart opening at Borås art museum



WIP annual meeting 2017

Annual meeting at WIP:sthlm today. As I have left WIP, I also resign as head of the board. See you around :-)

Kännbart to Borås

Installation begins: Kännbart opens at Borås art museum next week.

Introduction day at Scenkonstmuseet

The project Kännbart arranged an introduction day at Scenkonstmuseet today. Program HERE

Art for a new pre school

Visiting the new Utskogen pre school today.

Kännbart - förstärkare

Kännbart has a "scholarship program" for people with sight- and/or hearing disabilities. Next exhibitions in Borås and Stockholm.

Nackas new webpages

Visits Nackas new art web page and realizes that most of the images are from my projects :-)

Workshop for Sörgården

The children of Sörgården pre school engages in the colors for Linda Bäckströms piece.

Public art for Botkyrka

Johanna Sims presents her suggestion for Stigbygeln in Botkyrka today.

Practice Continued

Exhibition Practice Continued opens att WIP:sthlm, a collaboration with Konstfrämjandet.

Längmanska kulturfonden & Det andra

The foundation Längmanska kulturfonden will partly finance the project Det andra.

Opening Kännbart in Sandviken

Project Kännbart opening at Sandviken art hall today. Program HERE

New assignment as consultant

New assignment as an art consultant in Botkyrka, inauguration 2019.

2018 is here?

Starting to work on the next big project…

Graciela at MTM

Installing ceramics by, and interview with, Graciela, at the MTM international conference Tactile Reading.

Nacka, WIP and Kännbart

A week with Nacka, Kännbart and WIP. (Image: Tankar tar form by Fredrika Linder)

Text for Nadja Ekman

Short text for Nadja Ekmans upcoming exhibition HERE

Leaving KC Öst

After six years as a member of the board at KC Öst, I leave this important challenging work to a new crew.

Introduction day, Borås art museum

Kännbart: Seminar, workshop and preparations at Borås art museum. Program HERE

Work and input in Gothenburg and Borås

Traveling between Stockholm, Gothenburg and Borås. Planning Kännbart at Borås art museum and visiting Världskulturmuseet, etc.

New assignment: Utskogen

They build the new Utskogen pre school in Nacka. As a consultant I'm responsible for the art.

Texts for the exhibition by Lisa and Rolf

Writing texts for Lisa Jeannins and Rolf Schuurmans exhibition in Nacka. Read HERE

Kännbart opening in Ystad

Kännbart opens at Ystad art museum, with new pieces by Frida and Asha. Program HERE

Good bye WIP:sthlm

After seven (!?) years at WIP:sthlm, this is it. I'm leaving my studio that has been the epicenter for so much work.
Yet - I'll stay on the board (though that probably won't be a comfort to my kids who has grown up in the studio).

Planning at Rönnells

Planning the work with Sagoland together with Mari Kretz at Rönnells.

Kännbart evolves

Kännbart travels to Ystad art museum, and new work evolves.

Public art in Nacka and Botkyrka

First meeting for Myrsjöskolan in Nacka; Johanna Sims got a commission in Botkyrka.

New artists in Kännbart

Harry, Birgitta and Bert will enhance Kännbart with pictures, textiles and sign language poetry. Welcome.

All work and some play....

A compact work day with Kännbart, WIP and Nacka ends at Scenkonstmuseets grand opening.

Seminar days

Kännbart arranges an introduction day in Sandviken, while at the same time I attend the Funktek end seminar in Gothenburg.

Networking in Sandviken

Kännbart will work with school, Sinnesriket and the art hall in Sandviken. Meetings today.

Art, History and Film festival in Gothenburg

(Images: "Double Blind" by Charlotte Gyllenhammer; Natural history museum; Gothenburgburg film festival)

Visiting Borås art museum

Kännbart exhibits at Borås art museum this summer, with many of our newly produced art.

Sörgården evolves, as the art

Linda Bäckström visits the preschool Sörgården with Hella.

Seminar in Ystad

Seminar, workshop and reparations at Ystad art museum. Read MORE

Meetings with new participants in Kännbart

Meetings with Bert Brännström, who is deaf-and-blind and work with sign language poetry, and with artist Birgitta Dahlström who is loosing her sight and has been an active part of Gothenburgs art scene for 40 years.

Seminar in Gothenburg

Seminar, workshop and reparations at Gothenburg city museum. Read MORE

New year, new games


Light on Trädkåtan

The public piece Trädkåtan by Daniela Hedman got its spotlights today.

WiklundWiklund suggestion accepted

It was decided today that WiklundWiklunds proposal for a new art piece in Fisksätra should be placed at the square.

New assignement in Botkyrka

The LSS-housing Stigbygeln need some art. Process started.

Inauguration of new art in Nacka

Fredrika Linder has installed a new art piece in Nackasalen, Nacka – inauguration today! MORE

Weekend work Gothenburg


Making christmas gifts


WIP exploring new premises


Interview with Dennis and Fredrik

interviewing two former chairmans for DBU - Dennis and Fredrik.

New art by WiklundWiklund

WiklundWiklund suggest a new chapter for Fisksätra mönsterarkiv. Presentation today.

Installation in Nackasalen

Fredrika Linder begins the installation of a new art piece in Nackasalen.

Daniela installation in Nacka

Daniela Hedman installs her piece Trädkåtan in Nacka today.

Assisting Asha with her tipi

Asha is developing her art in a great tipi within the project Kännbart.

Linda Shamma public art

Linda Shamma has installed her adjusted piece for Vreta pre school, Botkyrka. Thanks Linda. MORE