As I’m a slow worker regarding my own art, I’ve decided to show some of the work in progress here.
What the hell am I doing? If you have a studio, you know that its not so obvious all the time…
Yet, here are some of the leads that I follow in my studio.

Om stjärnorna slocknar
Extensive project: In 20 years, we might not be Abel to se the star constellations any more. I have begun a work on that, on different continents. MORE

My heritage as Sápmi on my grandmothers side is emerging. An ongoing exploration.

Pappas liv och död
My father's last 18 days in life, according to his 10-year planner.

Inspired by the catholic bracelets with saints, I intend to make my own, representing the most important things in my life.

Alla hjältar
Extensive project: I have been working on this graphic novel together with A.K. Westin for ten years. MORE

Collision Frequency Increased
Extensive project: For more than 20 years I’ve been collecting news about animals, because of how we have used other species for 200 000 years. MORE

All Books are One Book
E xtensive project: A project where I transform all the books I have ever read, into one book. MORE