Curator: Po Hagström
Initiator: Linda Soneryd & Po Hagström
Additional curators Phase 2: Joanna Sandell & Katrin Behdjou Söderlund
Katja Aglert: From The Top Of A Steep Hill
For many years Aglert has investigated the effects of light pollution. How does it influence us, as individuals and as a species, and how does it influence other species?
Aglert’s work has taken her to places such as New York, Bangkok and the Arctic and this new video piece is composed of extracts from her growing archive. Her work focuses on physiognomy, existential questions as well as the role of the human race in relation to other species on Earth. What are the consequences of our seemingly unlimited need of light?
(Photo: Ulf Lundin / Isabel Löfgren)
Antonio Scarponi: Malthus
Scarponi is an architect, designer and founder of Conceptual Devices, a think tank that considers design to be a form of social engagement. Scarponi’s latest work dwells on the fact that the world population has doubled ever 30 years for the last 200 years.
It is a module that combines the growth of salad and fish in a sustainable system – and it fits in your kitchen. Malthus is presented together with a manual for how to build the unit with cheap materials from builders merchants and IKEA.
(Photo: Ulf Lundin / Isabel Löfgren)
The New Beauty Council (NBC): Forest Food For Thought
NBC is a collaborative initiative with artists, architects, curators and researchers. NBC often stages ideas of what a city could be; what it can be used for and how to try out new visions.
At Power Landscapes NBC explore suggestive wishful thinking as a strategy for change by initiating a platform to create an urban forest garden on the grounds of the Stockholm University called Forest Food For Thought.
(Photo: Janna Holmstedt/ Isabel Löfgren)
www.newbeautycouncil.org and www.tillvaxt.org
Lisa Jeannin and Rolf Schuurmans: Insiktstorn
The artists Lisa Jeannin and Rolf Schuurmans was given the commission to use the material generated at the NESS conference and work with it for a new art piece. This new piece was inaugurated at Botkyrka art hall in May 2012 and was then updated with a new video in September.
Foto: Isabel Löfgren
Julia Adzuki: The 2 Graces of Global Warming
Julia Adzuki is born in Australia and now works from Gnesta, Stockholm. Her work covers a lot of different practices, such textile, installations, costumes, ice sculptures and performance.
For the exhibition in Botkyrka Julia also made the logo from living moss and worked with children in workshops creating kokedama plants.
Foto: Isabel Löfgren
Kultivator: Top Soil
Kultivator was funded 2005 by the artists Mathieu Vrijman and Malin Lindmark Vrijman together with the farmers Maria Lindsmark and Henric Stigeborn.
Kultivator initiates projects, exhibitions and workshops that explores alternative stories and methods regarding art and farming.
Foto: Isabel Löfgren
R a k e t a: Walk Talk Pizza. Hola Stockholm!
R a k e t a is a network of people running interdiciplinary, collaborative projects and experiments within art, design, architecture and digital media.
As part of Power Landscapes R a k e t a will work together wilth The New Beauty Council and Po Hagström with an event December 16.
FOMS, Innovativ kultur, Stockholm stad
The exhibition at Botkyrka art hall was visited by 8 300 people.
The studio was used by 83 school classes during this time.
Samtal: Individens miljöansvar och förutsättningar för konsumentmakt.
Onsdag 10 oktober kl 18-19.30 i Botkyrka Konsthall, Tumba torg.
Samtal i samband med utställningen Den blå planeten- en grön utställning i Botkyrka konsthall. På olika sätt förväntas vi som enskilda individer och konsumenter ta ansvar för komplexa miljöfrågor som klimatförändringMagnus Boström, sociolog, Södertörns högskola, har bland annat forskat om grön konsumtion och miljömärkning samt Ylva Uggla, sociolog, Örebro universitet, som forskat om miljövänliga livsstilar, diskuterar dessa frågor med konstnären Julia Adzuki som genom SymbioLab väcker frågor kring miljö och livsstil. Samtalsledare: Linda Soneryd.
Botkyrkas koloniföreningar, samhällsforskare och skolelever – alla möts och samarbetar i verk som pågår från maj till oktober 2012. Tillsammans odlar och skördar, diskuterar och drömmer vi oss fram i det offentliga rummet i Botkyrka.