Curator, Konst med alla sinnen, 2007
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Artist: Robert Brecevic and Geska Helena Andersson

Robert Brecevic and Geska Helena Andersson is a Stockholm based artist couple. As they work with interactive images and new technologies for their basic and personal stories, we choose to invite them for the first exhibition in the project ”Konst med alla sinnen” at Rosenlund in Stockholm.
After ten exhibitions at Rosenlunds visitors (gravely multi disabeled people), this peice is still one of the most appreciated. That is why the exhibition ”Barn på glid” was extended, why Rosenlund choose to buy one of the images from the video peice and why Rosenlund now try to buy the peice to install it permanently.

Utdrag ur 2007-06-18:
”Det är Robert Brecevic och Geska Helena Anderssons tre barn som här visas i en uppställning på tre monitorer, utrustade med rörelsesensorer. Närmar man sig barnen får man deras kritiska uppmärksamhet. Flickan i studion höjer knutnäven, pojken i parkeringshuset visar mittfingret. Kommer man för nära glider de bara iväg.”

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